Gold loan bank of Baroda 5  instant way 

Instant Goldloan

What is gold loan ?

We know many type of loan like personal loans , car loan and so on one of the super easily take loan is the gold loan simplest easiest form gold in your home like gold ornaments or jewellery such type of necklace, bangles, watches, gold coins, pendants . Gold loan is a method of available on financial helps 100% secured. Or the fund event financial emergency. 

Why gold loan is the best source of your  financial need ?

Whenever you are in critical condition and there is financial emergency then you need financial help ( money) on urgent needs. 

Then applying loan such as personal loan or other type of secured loan but it can take two or three day  but gold loan  is one of the  quickest and easiest option at your disposal. 

Gold loan is one of the quickest way solve your problem as soon as .

Bank of Baroda gold loan 

Interest rate 

9.00 % p.a  to 9.15% p.a

Loan amount 

Up to Rs 25 lakh ( 25,00,000)


12 month to 24 month 


First process of applying  for a gold loan  is too simple  easy and straightforward. There is no need to take so long lengthy documents . You  need  to take your simple kyc documents ( address proof and i d proof ) pan card ( permanent  account number) , and gold office financial institution . Simple  fill up your application form with all type of documents acquired  .

quick disbursal 

Gold Loans are disbursed within just a several  hours only, depending on the your amount. If  you visited the lender, the gold that as you wish to mortgage is evaluat by the designated values  of the financial .  you  go to lender will it option  give you anywhere between 70-75% of the market value of the  loan amount.  the offer, you need to signed  the disbursal form application, and the loan would be processed. If your  amount is below Rs. 2 Lakh dont worried you have the offer  to take it as cash or through bank transfer. If the amount is above Rs. 2 Lakh, then the amount will be transferred  easily  to your bank account only.

available with  low credit score 

You can offered avalible  to super cool offer gold loan a low credit score.  As the mortgage of your gold is secured  the loan amount,there is the risk involved is reduced significantly for the lender. Therefore, they do not much about your CIBIL Score and  focus on the purity of gold and weight of the  offered as collateral.

high value  loan 

Gold Loans are ideal for any cricital emergency as like money you can avail loans of up to Rs. 1 crore ( 1,00,00,000) against to your gold. Individual can maximum amount dependant on the prevailing gold rate.

flexible  usage 

 the gold loan is the hsecured loan,there is no restrictions from the browwers regarding the of the money. When your  money is transferred to your account, even you can use as  your discretion for any requirement that you have immediately.